这笔交易是对HPE技术的重要认可,HPE在激烈的竞争中击败了主要竞争对手戴尔和超微。尽管具体细节仍保密,但该协议凸显了HPE在快速增长的AI服务器市场中日益增强的影响力。 在竞争激烈的市场中取得的关键胜利 据彭博社报道,这笔交易于2024年末达成,此前经历了一场激烈的竞标过程,HPE与行业巨头戴尔和超微展开了竞争。 去年早些时候,马斯克旗下的另一家公司xAI将其AI服务器交易从超微转到了戴尔。分析人士认为,马斯克未来也将选择戴尔来满足其此类需求。 HPE在AI服务器销售方面历来落后于这两个竞争对手,因此这次胜利标志着显著转变,也清楚表明了市场对HPE AI服务器的信心。 这笔交易的金额凸显了其重要性。分析人士认为,HPE与X达成的里程碑式10亿美元交易是对其AI能力的重要认可,但高增长的AI服务器市场竞争依然激烈。 Everest Group的高级分析师Rachita Rao表示:“HPE与X达成的10亿美元交易不仅提升了其可信度,还凸显了对其高性能计算能力的认可。虽然HPE专注于软件集成的AI基础设施,但戴尔与英伟达建立的强大合作伙伴关系以及为中端市场客户量身定制的可扩展AI解决方案,使其成为了主要竞争对手。超微尽管拥有强大的AI服务器能力,但目前正面临会计违规带来的挑战,这可能会削弱其市场地位。” 马斯克不断膨胀的人工智能野心 马斯克对推动人工智能进步的承诺,为这一协议的规模提供了背景。 马斯克的企业,包括特斯拉和xAI,一直是采用人工智能基础设施最知名企业之一。值得注意的是,由戴尔建造的、配备10万台英伟达H100 GPU的xAI超级计算机Colossus,已经是人工智能领域的一个游戏规则改变者。 X与HPE之间的这一新合作伙伴关系,可能会推动马斯克让其公司整合先进人工智能能力的愿景。例如,马斯克最近透露了将xAI的Grok聊天机器人整合到特斯拉汽车中的计划,让用户能够使用对话式人工智能与汽车进行交互。 该协议还突显了技术需求的不断变化。Rao指出:“英伟达的Blackwell技术可能会推动对液冷解决方案的需求,以管理高制热量的人工智能工作负载。虽然可扩展的基础设施和计算能力现在至关重要,但未来的增长将取决于需要专用芯片(如ASIC和FPGA)以实现优化性能的定制人工智能模型。” 她补充说,该行业解决大型语言模型(LLM)训练不断变化的网络需求的能力,将是推动大规模人工智能采用的关键因素。 对企业的战略影响 HPE的胜利对于希望构建或扩展强大人工智能基础设施的企业人工智能客户而言意义重大。企业对人工智能服务器的需求不断增加,反映出人工智能在各行业的巨大潜力。马斯克的X公司正在向成为全球性“万物应用”转型,可能会利用这种先进的计算能力来打造实时推荐引擎、生成式人工智能工具和运营分析工具。 根据IDC的数据,2023年,AI服务器约占整体服务器市场的23%,预计未来几年这一比例还将进一步增加。到2027年,AI服务器市场预计将产生491亿美元的收入,这一增长在很大程度上是由GPU加速服务器推动的。 然而,挑战依然存在。 由于人工智能系统消耗大量计算资源,且需要无缝集成到现有运营中,企业必须在如此大规模部署中固有的成本效益权衡方面谨慎行事。 该协议还可能为其他企业,特别是马斯克生态系统内的企业树立先例。“这一交易也可能影响马斯克生态系统内的采购策略,可能为先进人工智能基础设施的采用设定一个基准,” Rao说。 HPE和AI服务器提供商的未来之路 这一交易巩固了HPE在人工智能服务器生态系统中的强大地位,在一个由戴尔和超微主导的细分市场中开辟了新天地。该合同还表明,随着主要平台和大型企业竞相确保支持先进应用所需的基础设施,人们对企业级人工智能技术的依赖程度越来越高。 HPE公布其服务器业务第四季度收入同比增长32%,达到47亿美元。其中,人工智能服务器收入环比增长16%,这一数据在HPE 2024财年第四季度收益报告中得到了强调。 随着人工智能重塑企业运营和消费者互动,X公司与HPE达成的10亿美元交易等投资表明了计算基础设施在推动未来发展中的关键作用。对于HPE而言,这一胜利不仅增强了其市场地位,还为竞争对手设定了一个高标准,因为全球对人工智能解决方案的需求持续增长。
惠普拿下马斯克10亿美元AI大单!击败超微和戴尔 支持AI工作负载的计算能力需求不断增长,推动了高性能服务器市场的快速增长。对于戴尔、超微和惠普企业(HPE)等公司来说,这是一项利润丰厚的业务,这些公司的高性能服务器产品近年来需求不断增长。
彭博社报道称,HPE已获得一笔价值超过10亿美元的巨额交易,为马斯克的X提供针对人工智能工作优化的服务器。 该报告并未具体说明服务器将如何使用,但由于它是为X设计的,因此部分容量很有可能用于社交网络的AI聊天机器人Grok。2024年底,X宣布将免费向所有用户推出Grok-2,因此可以预计额外的容量将需要更多的服务器基础设施……
HPE’s liquid cooling technology for AI infrastructure may have helped it secure the 10-figure deal Bloomberg Analyst Woo Jin Ho suggested HPE’s liquid cooling tech could have helped close this major deal. Worth noting, X is working with Dell Technologies and Super Micro on its Memphis-area AI data center. Futurium Senior Analyst Mary Jander wrote that the deal shines a light on HPE’s “fundamental strength in its server segment. The company’s acquisition of Juniper Networks cloud distract HPE from this primary focus.” In early 2024, HPE confirmed it was acquiring Juniper Networks for $14 billion. At the time, the company called the acquisition an “important step” in its “portfolio shift towards higher-growth solutions and a higher-margin business.” It said the combined business will create a “new networking leader.” Subscribe now to get the daily newsletter from RCR Wireless News To the margin point, Jander wrote that “a large order can eat into a company’s margin, and that’s not something HPE can easily afford…Since AI servers require expensive components from the likes of NVIDIA and AMD, their production can negatively effect gross margin.” And back to liquid cooling: HPE has been touting this tech lately with the November announcement it was providing a “100% fanless direct liquid-cooled system” for the Department of Energy’s El Capitan super computer. The company also noted its direct liquid cooling tech is present in the world’s three fastest super computers, including El Capitan. Last year HPE updated its AI infrastructure portfolio, including the HPE Cray Supercomputing EX solutions, and two systems designed to support large language model (LLM) training, natural language processing (NLP) and multi-modal model training. The updated portfolio features the liquid cooling architecture “and spans every layer of HPE’s supercomputing solutions, including compute nodes, networking and storage, which are supplemented by a new software offering,” according to the company. “Service providers and nations investing in sovereign AI initiatives are increasingly turning to high-performance computing as the critical backbone enabling large-scale AI training that accelerates discovery and innovation,” HPE’s Trish Damkroger, senior vice president and general manager, HPC & AI Infrastructure Solutions, said in a statement. “Our customers turn to us to fast-track their AI system deployment to realize value faster and more efficiently by leveraging our world-leading HPC solutions and decades of experience in delivering, deploying and servicing fully-integrated systems.”
HPE may have beaten Supermicro and Dell to win a $1bn AI contract, but it's not for the Colossus supercomputer HPE A report from Bloomberg claims HPE has secured a massive deal worth more than $1 billion to supply Elon Musk’s X social network with servers optimized for artificial intelligence work. The report doesn’t specify exactly how the servers will be used, but since it’s for X, there’s a good chance some of the capacity will be for Grok, the social network’s AI chatbot. At the end of 2024, X announced that it was rolling out Grok-2 to all users for free, and it’s fair to conclude that extra capacity will require more server infrastructure. Sponsored Links Musk’s companies, including xAI and Tesla, are major buyers of AI hardware. The Colossus supercomputer, built by xAI in Memphis, was previously declared by Musk to be the "most powerful AI training system in the world." The billionaire stated it was built "from start to finish" in just 122 days. Colossus uses 100,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, but there are plans to massively expand its operations. Supermicro has faced some challenges recently, including the resignation of its auditor and other related matters. However, as MarketWatch reports, it remains a "major player in the AI revolution" and recently established operations in Memphis to support xAI's goal of building a supercomputer facility with 1 million GPUs. Supermicro and Dell provided the servers for Colossus originally, and Bloomberg says that while both firms did bid to supply the equipment for this new venture they were ultimately unsuccessful.
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