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Liquid Cooling Takes Center Stage at OpenCompute Summit 2024
液体冷却成为 2024 年 OpenCompute 峰会的焦点

2024 年 10 月 16 日


OCP 全球峰会 本周在圣何塞开幕,不出所料,两个主题备受关注——人工智能计算和液体冷却。除了这两者之外,共封装光学器件(CPO)是今年峰会上另一个备受关注的话题。

至于液体冷却,市场采用主要是通过冷却剂分配单元 (CDU) 使用设施水,并在较小程度上使用浸入式冷却。然而,浸没式冷却今年在峰会上比往年更受关注。

随着 CPU 和 GPU 功耗突破 500W TDP(热设计功率)门槛,液体冷却已成为必需品,500W TDP 是服务器和交换机中基于风扇冷却的通用界限。

此外,液体冷却的需求是由功耗驱动的,正如 《It's All About PUE》 中所述,其中电源使用效率 (PUE) 衡量数据中心的电源效率。

理想情况下,PUE 为 1.0,这意味着消耗的每一瓦特都为数据中心的服务器、存储和网络设备供电。读者可以参考这里发表的有关 PUE 的文章,例如 《Deepmind、DCIM 和数据中心冷却》 《DCIM 和 Deepmind》、《Take 2: AI to Control Google's Data Center Cooling 》、 《智能数据中心的以人为本的价值 》等。

在 电子冷却 中,我们广泛讨论了液体冷却主题。诸如 液体冷却研究的更新 数据中心的液体冷却系统帮助公司实现可持续发展目标 等文章都值得阅读。


回到OCP全球峰会,根据最新统计,OCP全球峰会上涉及液冷的主题超过55个。大多数演示会议将于 2024 年 10 月 15 日星期三举行。


  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 8:00 – 上午 8:20 | SJCC – 下层 – LL20A

高密度 AI 集群 51.2Tbps 交换机液冷和风冷最佳实践

轨道: 网络

会议摘要: 人工智能训练和推理的快速发展正在推动计算和互连密度的提高,导致每个机架的功率密度更高,并增加了管理散热的挑战。


  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 9:15 – 上午 9:30 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 220B


赛道: 特别关注:人工智能 (AI)

会议摘要: 人工智能正在推动整个行业对速度和创新的前所未有的需求。每个新版本的显着改进和不断增强的能力使得该行业通过创新的液体冷却解决方案快速部署新基础设施变得至关重要。

OCP 标准为当今最苛刻的应用所采用的创新提供了行业标准。本演讲将介绍适用于高性能和人工智能工作负载的新的基于 OCP 标准的解决方案。

  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 9:45 – 10:15 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE

OCP 浸入液指南、规格和生命周期管理

轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要: OCP 浸没式流体社区在过去一年中呈指数级增长,带来了一系列新的努力,旨在解决浸没式冷却技术采用者所面临的与流体相关的挑战。




  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 10:10 – 10:25 | SJCC – 下层 – LL20BC


轨道: FTS:数据中心可持续性

会议摘要: 数据中心 (DC) 的指数级增长需要探索可持续的解决方案,以减轻其大量的能源消耗和环境影响。

本研究对 DC 中的废热回收 (WHR) 进行了技术经济分析,重点关注 HVAC 系统废热的利用。


  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 10:25 – 上午 10:40 | SJCC – 下层 – LL20BC


轨道: FTS:数据中心可持续性

会议摘要: 随着机器学习和人工智能的最新进展,对高性能计算的渴望从未如此强烈。数据中心已经占全球能源使用量的百分之二,并且预测未来几年这一数字可能会翻倍。



  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 10:35 – 10:45 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE


轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要: 流体安全处理小组起草了一份白皮书,为可能直接使用浸入式冷却液的浸入式冷却最终用户、流体制造商和信息技术设备制造商提供安全建议。



  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 10:45 – 上午 11:10 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE


轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要: 随着单相浸入式领域的扩大,人们对市场上各种冷却解决方案的热性能预期的理解出现了差距。

具体到浸没流体,开放计算项目 (OCP) 之前的工作受益于分析品质因数 (FOM) 方法,可以使用流体热物理性质来比较流体。


本演讲旨在促使 OCP 内部更广泛地讨论一致的整体系统方法如何推动热管理解决方案的优化,并继续突破单相浸入式的界限,以满足未来的计算热需求。

  1. 10 月 16 日星期三,上??午 11:10 – 上午 11:30 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE

OCP 浸入式冷却可靠性

轨道 :冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要 :OCP 浸入式可靠性委员会解决了部署在浸入式冷却中的 ITE 硬件在整个使用寿命期间更广泛的兼容性和可靠性问题。

本次会议将介绍社区的贡献,为了解 ITE 硬件与介电流体接触的集体行为提供指导,重点关注组件和服务器在被 ITE 硬件材料污染的老化浸入液中的材料兼容性和性能稳定性。


  1. 10 月 16 日,星期三,中午 12:30 – 中午 12:50 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE


轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要: 由于浸没液体与 IT 设备直接接触,因此需要进行浸没可靠性测试来了解和减轻浸没解决方案中组件的热化学故障模式。

本次会议将介绍英特尔用于利用第三代至强 CPU 上收集的材料兼容性和热化学可靠性数据为英特尔产品构建全面的热化学可靠性风险评估的浸入式可靠性测试方法。

  1. 10 月 16 日,星期三,中午 12:50 – 下午 1:10 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE

浸没式冷却的系统级集成:OCP 解决方案技术委员会概述

轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要: “浸入式解决方案”技术委员会包括致力于系统级冷却解决方案整体集成的工作流。

该社区致力于为与流体、IT 设备、储罐/机架配置、配电和系统监控等系统元素相关的要求、最佳实践和安全协议提供指导。

该委员会还负责批准和维护 OCP 市场内与沉浸式解决方案相关的规范和产品验收。本次会议将概述推进这些系统级见解的当前进展和优先事项。

与会者将了解委员会监督下的各种工作流程,包括沉浸要求、配电、硬件管理、故障模式和影响分析 (FMEA) 以及总拥有成本 (TCO)。

  1. 10 月 16 日,星期三,下午 1:10 – 1:30 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE


轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

会议摘要: OCP 浸入式配电工作流程正在创新浸入式槽中母线的集成,这是优化液体冷却系统中电力输送的关键一步。



  1. 10 月 16 日,星期三,下午 1:30 – 1:55 | SJCC – 大厅层 – 210AE


轨道: 冷却环境:浸入式

OCP 沉浸式要求工作流致力于以沉浸式要求文档的形式维护和发展社区指导。





Liquid Cooling Takes Center Stage at OpenCompute Summit 2024
October 16, 2024 MP Divakar
Applications, Articles, Data Centers, Electronics Cooling Blog, Industry Updates, Liquid Cooling, News

OCP Global Summit started this week in San Jose and as to be expected, two topics are getting all the attention –AI Compute and Liquid Cooling. Apart from these two, co-packaged optics (CPO) is another topic that has garnered much interest this year at the summit.

As for liquid cooling, the market adoption has been primarily in using facility water via coolant distribution units (CDUs) and to a lesser extent using immersion cooling. However, immersion cooling is garnering more attention this year than the years past at the summit.

Liquid cooling is becoming a necessity as CPU and GPU power dissipations are crossing the threshold of 500W TDP (thermal design power), a generic demarcation signifying the limit of fan-based cooling in servers and switches.

Moreover, the need for liquid cooling is power consumption-driven as articulated in It’s All About PUE, where power usage effectiveness (PUE) measures the datacenter power efficiency.

Ideally PUE is 1.0, meaning every watt consumed powers the servers, storage and networking gear in the datacenter. Readers may refer to articles on PUE published here like Of Deepmind, DCIM, and Data Center Cooling, DCIM And Deepmind, Take 2: AI to Control Google’s Data Center Cooling, Human-Centric Value for Smart Data Centers, etc.

At Electronics Cooling, we have extensively covered the topic of liquid cooling. Articles like Updates in Liquid Cooling Research, Liquid Cooling Systems in Data Centers Help Companies Achieve Sustainability Goals and many others are worth reading.

Coming back to the OCP Global Summit, at last count there were more than 55 topics covering liquid cooling at the OCP Global Summit. Most of the presentation sessions are on Wednesday, 15-Oct-2024.

Here is a short list of a dozen sessions and their brief descriptions that are not to be missed.

Wed, October 16, 8:00am – 8:20am | SJCC – Lower Level – LL20A
Best Practices for Liquid & Air Cooling of a 51.2Tbps Switch for High-Density AI Clusters

Track: Networking

Session Summary: The rapid evolution of AI training and inference is driving up compute and interconnect density, leading to higher power density per rack and increasing the challenge of managing heat dissipation.

This presentation will explore the efforts to address these challenges from a networking perspective, ranging from the switch silicon component to the system level.

Wed, October 16, 9:15am – 9:30am | SJCC – Concourse Level – 220B
Open Systems for Density and AI

Track: Special Focus: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Session Summary: AI is driving an unparalleled need for velocity and innovation across the industry. Dramatic gen-over-gen improvement in each new release and rising powers make it critical for the industry to rapidly deploy new infrastructure with innovative liquid cooling solutions at scale.

OCP standards provide industry standards for innovations to be adopted for today’s most demanding applications. This talk will introduce new OCP standards based solutions for high performance and AI workloads.

Wed, October 16, 9:45am – 10:15am | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
OCP Immersion Fluids Guidelines, Specifications and Lifecycle Management

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: The OCP immersion fluid community has grown exponentially over the last year, resulting in a host of new efforts aimed at solving fluid-related challenges faced by adopters of immersion cooling technology.

This session will provide updates on the latest community-driven developments including the latest guidelines in safe fluid handling, oxidation stability, cleaning procedures alongside sustainable practices for fluid selection, maintenance, and disposal.

The scope of the projects includes hydrocarbons, esters and fluorinated fluids, and both single phase and two-phase applications.

The session will include practical examples of how these recommendations have been adopted by end users to improve the safe and sustainable operation of immersion systems.

Wed, October 16, 10:10am – 10:25am | SJCC – Lower Level – LL20BC
Techno-economic Analysis of Data Center Waste Heat Recovery

Track: FTS: Data Center Sustainability

Session Summary: The exponential growth of Data Centres (DCs) has necessitated the exploration of sustainable solutions to mitigate their substantial energy consumption and environmental impact.

This study presents a techno-economic analysis of Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) in DCs, focusing on the utilization of waste heat from HVAC systems.

The recovered heat is employed for power generation using the Phasic Heat Engine (HE). The analysis evaluates the technical feasibility, economic viability, and environmental benefits of this approach.

Wed, October 16, 10:25am – 10:40am | SJCC – Lower Level – LL20BC
A Flexible and Scalable Thermal Test Vehicle Design for Electronics Cooling Solutions

Track: FTS: Data Center Sustainability

Session Summary: With recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the desire for high-performance computing has never been greater. Datacenters already represent two percent of global energy usage, and forecasts predict that this may double in the next few years.

The density and power consumption of modern graphics processing units (GPUs) and central processing units (CPUs) is growing rapidly, which necessitates the design of advanced liquid cooling systems. Existing solutions for characterizing and validating these coolers are inadequate.

In this work, the design of a flexible, scalable thermal test vehicle (TTV) is presented, which is based on an array of power transistors.

Wed, October 16, 10:35am – 10:45am | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
Safe Handling Guidelines for Immersion Fluids

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: The fluid safe handling sub group has drafted a whitepaper to provide safety recommendations for immersion cooling end users, fluid manufacturers, and information technology equipment manufacturers that may work directly with immersion cooling fluids.

The document outlines recommended safety practices and resources to consider when employing single phase and two phase immersion cooling fluids.

The whitepaper highlights the hazards associated with different fluid classes, recommendations for fluid handling, storage, and disposal, and methods to monitor and mitigate exposure.

Wed, October 16, 10:45am – 11:10am | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
Exploring the potential of single-phase immersion cooling through quantitative thermal performance testing

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: As the landscape of single-phase immersion expands, gaps have emerged in understanding the thermal performance expectations of the various cooling solutions in the market.

Specific to immersion fluids, previous work within Open Compute Project (OCP) has benefited from an analytic figures-of-merit (FOM) approach where fluids could be compared using fluid thermophysical properties.

In this talk we present experimental data detailing the thermal performance of a range of fluids in both natural and forced convection flow regimes. Key performance attributes such as case-to-fluid thermal resistance, fluid pumping power, and maximum thermal design power will be shared.

This presentation intends to prompt broader discussion within OCP on how a consistent, total system approach can drive the optimization of thermal management solutions and continue to push the boundaries of single-phase immersion to meet the future thermal demands of compute.

Wed, October 16, 11:10am – 11:30am | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
OCP Immersion Cooling Reliability

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: The OCP Immersion Reliability Committee addresses the broader compatibility and reliability issues of ITE hardware deployed in immersion cooling through the service lifetime.

This session will introduce the community contributions to provide guidance to understand the collective behavior of ITE hardware in contact with dielectric fluids, focusing on the material compatibility and performance stability of components and servers in the aging immersion fluid contaminated by ITE hardware materials.

The goal is to develop comprehensive guidelines that ensure the reliability and efficiency of complete immersion cooling systems.

Wed, October 16, 12:30pm – 12:50pm | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
Thermochemical Reliability of Components in Immersion Solutions

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: Immersion reliability testing is required to understand and mitigate thermochemical failure modes of components in immersion solutions since the immersion fluid is in direct contact with the IT equipment.

This session will introduce the immersion reliability test methodology Intel uses to build comprehensive thermochemical reliability risk assessments for Intel products using material compatibility and thermochemical reliability data collected on 3rd Gen Xeon CPUs.

Wed, October 16, 12:50pm – 1:10pm | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
Systems-Level Integration of Immersion Cooling: An Overview of the OCP Solutions Technical Committee

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: The “Immersion Solutions” Technical Committee includes work streams dedicated to the holistic integration of cooling solutions at the system level.

This community seeks to provide guidance for requirements, best practices, and safety protocols associated with system elements like fluids, IT equipment, tank/rack configurations, power distribution and systems monitoring.

The committee is also responsible for approving and maintaining Specifications and Product Acceptance within the OCP Marketplace related to immersion solutions. This session will provide an overview of current progress and priorities in advancing these systems-level insights.

Attendees will learn about the various work streams under the committee’s oversight, including Immersion Requirements, Power Distribution, Hardware Management, Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA), and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Wed, October 16, 1:10pm – 1:30pm | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
Power Distribution in Immersion Environments: Challenges and Opportunities

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

Session Summary: The OCP Immersion Power Distribution work stream is innovating the integration of bus bars in immersion tanks, a crucial step in optimizing power delivery in liquid cooling systems.

This presentation will delve into a new base specification and explore both the technical challenges and the unique opportunities this integration presents.

Emphasis will be on the design considerations, thermal management implications, and the potential for enhancing power efficiency in data center operations through this novel approach.

Wed, October 16, 1:30pm – 1:55pm | SJCC – Concourse Level – 210AE
Balancing Innovation, Performance and Safety: the Evolution of Immersion Requirements

Track: Cooling Environments: Immersion

The OCP Immersion Requirements work stream is dedicated to maintaining and evolving community guidance in the form of an Immersion Requirements document.

This document is a critical resource for the industry, providing essential specifications and standards for the implementation of immersion cooling technology.

It importantly serves as a foundation for all Base, Design and Product Specifications intended for use in an immersion environment.



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