10月17日,法国电力巨头施耐德电气(Schneider Electric)宣布已签署协议,收购了面向高性能计算的液体冷却技术公司Motivair Corporation(“Motivair”)的控股权。 根据交易条款,施耐德电气将以8.5亿美元的全现金对价收购Motivair股权中75%的初始控股权,其中包括增税的价值,并将Motivair的估值定为2025财年预计收入的中个位数。该交易受惯例成交条件的约束,包括获得所需的监管批准,预计将在未来几个季度完成。完成后,Motivair将在施耐德电气的能源管理业务中报告。施耐德电气预计将于2028年收购剩余25%的非控股权益。 资料显示,Motivair成立于1988年,总部位于美国纽约州布法罗市,是一家专门为高性能计算系统提供液体冷却和先进热管理解决方案的公司,目前拥有150多名员工。凭借其强大的工程能力和深厚的领域专业知识,Motivair可以提供世界一流的产品系列,包括冷却液分配装置(CDU)、后门换热器(RDHx)、冷板和散热装置(HDU),以及用于热管理的冷却器。Motivair为客户提供顶级产品组合,以应对现代计算技术的热挑战。
近年来,生成式人工智能的出现和大型语言模型(LLM)参数量的持续增长,推动了对于更高性能处理器的庞大需求。而这种向加速计算的转变,导致新的数据中心架构需要更高效的冷却解决方案,特别是液体冷却,因为仅靠传统的空气冷却无法减轻由此产生的更高热量。 比如,英伟达液冷的GB200 NVL72 单个机架功率就高达120kW。这种更高的计算和功率密度推动了对有效冷却的需求。 虽然液体冷却不是一项新技术,但随着数据中心和人工智能在内的计算密度越来越高,对有效冷却的需求也将增长,多个分析师预测,未来几年液体冷却解决方案的复合年增长率将超过30%。 Motivair在使用液体冷却解决方案冷却世界上最快的超级计算机方面拥有多年无与伦比的经验。最近几个季度,该公司一直在追踪强劲的两位数增长轨迹,随着其向几个最大的数据中心和人工智能客户提供端到端的液体冷却解决方案,预计这一趋势将继续下去。 施耐德电气认为,此次交易加强了其的直接芯片液体冷却和高容量热解决方案组合,增强了现有产品,并进一步推动了冷却技术的创新。 施耐德电气首席执行官Peter Herweck评论道:“收购Motivair是重要的一步,进一步巩固了我们在数据中心价值链中的世界领先地位。Motivair独特的液体冷却产品组合补充了我们在数据中心冷却方面的价值主张,并进一步巩固了我们在从电网到芯片和从芯片到冷却器的数据中心建设中的突出地位。” Motivair 总裁兼首席执行官Rich Whitmore表示:“施耐德电气与我们有着共同的核心价值观和对创新、可持续性和卓越的承诺。交易完成后,他们将继续在纽约州布法罗市经营Motivair业务。与施耐德的合作将使我们能够进一步扩大业务规模,投资新技术,推动我们的使命向前发展,巩固我们作为行业领导者的地位。我们很高兴能一起踏上这段激动人心的旅程。” 施耐德电气来自数据中心和网络终端市场的需求(占其2023财年集团订单的21%)一直是增长的关键驱动力,自2017年以来,数据中心市场的销售额以两位数的复合年增长率增长,并将在未来几年继续增长。全球十大云和服务提供商信任施耐德电气的解决方案,而六分之四的数据中心公司依赖其可持续发展业务的咨询和服务。
Rueil-Malmaison (France), October 17, 2024 – Schneider Electric, the global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire a controlling interest in Motivair Corporation (“Motivair”), a company specialized in liquid cooling and advanced thermal management solutions for high performance computing systems. The advent of Generative-AI and the introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs) have been additional catalysts driving enhanced power needs to support increased digitization across end-markets. This shift to accelerated computing is resulting in new data center architectures requiring more efficient cooling solutions, particularly liquid cooling, as traditional air cooling alone cannot mitigate the higher heat generated as a result. As the compute within data centers becomes higher-density, the need for effective cooling will grow, with multiple market and analyst forecasts predicting growth in liquid cooling solutions in excess of +30% CAGR in the coming years. This transaction strengthens Schneider Electric’s portfolio of direct-to-chip liquid cooling and high-capacity thermal solutions, enhancing existing offerings and furthering innovation in cooling technology. Headquartered in Buffalo, NY, Motivair was founded in 1988 and currently has over 150 employees. Leveraging its strong engineering competency and deep domain expertise, Motivair has a world class range of offers including Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), Rear Door Heat Exchangers (RDHx), Cold Plates and Heat Dissipation Units (HDUs), alongside Chillers for thermal management. Motivair provides its customers with a top-tier portfolio to meet the thermal challenges of modern computing technology. While liquid cooling is not a new technology, specific application to the Data Center and AI environment represents a nascent market set for strong growth in the coming years. Motivair has years of unrivaled experience in cooling the world’s fastest supercomputers with liquid cooling solutions. In recent quarters, the company has been tracking a strong double-digit growth trajectory, which is expected to continue as it pivots to provide end-to-end liquid cooling solutions to several of the largest Data Center and AI customers. Peter Herweck, Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric commented: “The acquisition of Motivair represents an important step, furthering our world leading position across the Data Center value chain. The unique liquid cooling portfolio of Motivair complements our value proposition in Data Center cooling and further strengthens our prominent position in Data Center build out from Grid to Chip and from Chip to Chiller.” “Schneider Electric shares our core values and commitment to innovation, sustainability and excellence," said Rich Whitmore, President & CEO of Motivair Corporation, who will continue to run the Motivair business out of Buffalo, NY after the closing of the transaction. "Joining forces with Schneider will enable us to further scale our operations and invest in new technologies that will drive our mission forward and solidify our position as an industry leader. We are thrilled to embark on this exciting journey together." Under the terms of the transaction, Schneider Electric will acquire an initial 75% controlling interest in the equity of Motivair for an all-cash consideration of $850 million, which includes the value of a tax step-up, and values Motivair at a mid-single digit multiple of projected FY2025 revenue. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of required regulatory approvals, and is expected to close in the coming quarters. On completion, Motivair would be reported within the Energy Management business of Schneider Electric. The Group expects to acquire the remaining 25% of non-controlling interests in 2028. Schneider Electric’s exposure to the Data Center & Networks end-market, which represented 21% of FY23 Group orders, has been a key driver of growth, with sales into the Data Center market growing at a double-digit CAGR since 2017 and set to continue in the coming years. The world’s top 10 cloud & service providers trust Schneider Electric’s solutions, while 4 out of 6 Data Center companies rely on consulting and services from its Sustainability business. About Motivair About Schneider Electric:
The advent of Generative-AI and the introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs) have been additional catalysts driving enhanced power needs to support increased digitization across end-markets. This shift to accelerated computing is resulting in new data center architectures requiring more efficient cooling solutions, particularly liquid cooling, as traditional air cooling alone cannot mitigate the higher heat generated as a result. As the compute within data centers becomes higher-density, the need for effective cooling will grow, with multiple market and analyst forecasts predicting growth in liquid cooling solutions in excess of +30%1 CAGR in the coming years. This transaction strengthens Schneider Electric’s portfolio of direct-to-chip liquid cooling and high-capacity thermal solutions, enhancing existing offerings and furthering innovation in cooling technology. Headquartered in Buffalo, NY, Motivair was founded in 1988 and currently has over 150 employees. Leveraging its strong engineering competency and deep domain expertise, Motivair has a world class range of offers including Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), Rear Door Heat Exchangers (RDHx), Cold Plates and Heat Dissipation Units (HDUs), alongside Chillers for thermal management. Motivair provides its customers with a top-tier portfolio to meet the thermal challenges of modern computing technology. While liquid cooling is not a new technology, specific application to the Data Center and AI environment represents a nascent market set for strong growth in the coming years. Motivair has years of unrivaled experience in cooling the world’s fastest supercomputers with liquid cooling solutions. In recent quarters, the company has been tracking a strong double-digit growth trajectory, which is expected to continue as it pivots to provide end-to-end liquid cooling solutions to several of the largest Data Center and AI customers. Peter Herweck, Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric commented: “The acquisition of Motivair represents an important step, furthering our world leading position across the Data Center value chain. The unique liquid cooling portfolio of Motivair complements our value proposition in Data Center cooling and further strengthens our prominent position in Data Center build out from Grid to Chip and from Chip to Chiller.” “Schneider Electric shares our core values and commitment to innovation, sustainability and excellence," said Rich Whitmore, President & CEO of Motivair Corporation, who will continue to run the Motivair business out of Buffalo, NY after the closing of the transaction. "Joining forces with Schneider will enable us to further scale our operations and invest in new technologies that will drive our mission forward and solidify our position as an industry leader. We are thrilled to embark on this exciting journey together." Under the terms of the transaction, Schneider Electric will acquire an initial 75% controlling interest in the equity of Motivair for an all-cash consideration of $850 million, which includes the value of a tax step- up, and values Motivair at a mid-single digit multiple of projected FY2025 revenue. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of required regulatory approvals, and is expected to close in the coming quarters. On completion, Motivair would be reported within the Energy Management business of Schneider Electric. The Group expects to acquire the remaining 25% of non- controlling interests in 2028. Schneider Electric’s exposure to the Data Center & Networks end-market, which represented 21% of FY23 Group orders, has been a key driver of growth, with sales into the Data Center market growing at a double-digit CAGR since 2017 and set to continue in the coming years. The world’s top 10 cloud & service providers trust Schneider Electric’s solutions, while 4 out of 6 Data Center companies rely on consulting and services from its Sustainability business.
关于我们 北京汉深流体技术有限公司是丹佛斯中国数据中心签约代理商。产品包括FD83全流量自锁球阀接头,UQD系列液冷快速接头、EHW194 EPDM液冷软管、电磁阀、压力和温度传感器及Manifold的生产和集成服务。在国家数字经济、东数西算、双碳、新基建战略的交汇点,公司聚焦组建高素质、经验丰富的液冷工程师团队,为客户提供卓越的工程设计和强大的客户服务。 公司产品涵盖:丹佛斯液冷流体连接器、EPDM软管、电磁阀、压力和温度传感器及Manifold。 - 针对机架式服务器中Manifold/节点、CDU/主回路等应用场景,提供不同口径及锁紧方式的手动和全自动快速连接器。