戴尔科技集团信息基础架构解决方案事业部总裁Arthur Lewis表示:“当今的数据中心已无法匹配多样化的AI需求,企业亟需一类可驾驭高密度计算并拥有液体冷却创新的新型系统,辅以模块化且灵活高效的设计,为其在瞬息万变的AI领域提供保持持续竞争力所需的性能支持。”
领先冷却创新技术助力加速计算 Dell IR7000以卓越的密度、更可持续的电源管理和先进的冷却技术,满足各类加速计算需求。基于开放计算项目(OCP)标准,Dell IR7000机架是大规模部署的理想之选,其设计面向未来可沿用多代,并充分适配异构技术环境。Dell IR7000的关键优势包括: 更高密度:21英寸设计以支持业界领先的CPU和GPU密度。 未来就绪,效率更进一步:机架具有更宽、更高的服务器托架,可容纳更大的CPU与GPU架构,并专为液冷设计,即使面对高达480千瓦的服务器也游刃有余,能够捕获几乎100%的热量。 更多灵活选择:Dell IR7000可同时支持戴尔科技自有网络设备和其他品牌网络设备,为客户提供更多选择、更大灵活性。 简易部署,能效更佳:利用戴尔科技的集成机架可扩展系统(Dell IRSS),IR7000的部署简单且更加节能。IRSS提供创新的机架级可扩展基础架构,针对AI工作负载进行了优化,通过完全集成的即插即用机架级可扩展系统实现了丝滑高效的安装过程。
Dell Integrated Rack 7000(IR7000)
戴尔科技全新AI就绪平台,专为Dell IR7000打造 全新Dell PowerEdge M7725拥有强大的高性能计算能力,轻松应对计算密集型工作负载,是研究机构、金融技术行业和高等教育等多种环境的理想选择。PowerEdge M7725专为IR7000打造,提供更高计算能力,可扩展至每机架24000-27000核心,支持64或72个双路节点,搭载第五代AMD EPYC处理器,其前置I/O接口更助力实现高速IO连接,为高需求应用提供无缝连接。通过采取CPU直接液冷(DLC)技术以及同集成机架快速连接而实现的风冷技术,PowerEdge M7725以其节能型外形尺寸助力更加可持续的部署。 面向AI时代的非结构化存储和数据管理创新 Dell PowerScale迎来重磅升级,标志着戴尔科技在非结构化数据存储产品组合上的又一轮创新,进一步提升AI应用性能,并提供简化的全球数据管理功能。 作为全球率先通过NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD验证的以太网存储解决方案,升级后的Dell PowerScale加强了数据管理策略、提高工作负载性能并为AI工作负载提供了更多支持。 广告 实现更密集存储:全新61TB硬盘提高了容量和效率,数据中心的存储空间占用因此减少了一半;得益于全新硬盘,客户现在可以通过在更大数据集上训练AI模型来对其进行微调。 提升AI性能:通过前端NVIDIA InfiniBand功能和200GbE以太网适配器支持,AI工作负载性能得到增强,吞吐量可提升高达63%。 增强后的Dell Data Lakehouse数据管理平台,可为客户节省时间,并通过灾难恢复(容灾)、自动模式发现、综合API管理和自助式全栈升级等新功能改善企业运营。 上市时间 Dell IR7000将于2025年第一季度在全球上市。 Dell PowerEdge M7725将于2025年第一季度在全球上市。 Dell PowerScale升级功能将于2024年第四季度在全球上市。 Dell Data Lakehouse升级功能将于2025年上半年在全球上市。
Arthur Lewis, President of Dell Technologies’ Infrastructure Solutions Group, emphasized the growing demand for AI in data centers, noting that current infrastructures struggle to meet these requirements. He highlighted that Dell’s new systems provide the necessary performance to help organizations stay competitive in this rapidly changing AI landscape. Cooling Innovations, Density, and Flexibility The Dell Integrated Rack 7000 (IR7000) is built to handle the growing demands of accelerated computing. It offers a combination of superior density, sustainable power management, and advanced cooling technologies. As a rack adhering to Open Compute Project (OCP) standards, the IR7000 is optimized for large-scale deployments. It can accommodate future technology across multiple generations of hardware and diverse environments. The IR7000 is designed with density in mind. Its 21-inch frame is engineered to support industry-leading CPU and GPU configurations, maximizing the use of space to handle high-performance computing tasks. This ensures that the rack can support the most demanding workloads, including AI and machine learning applications that rely on substantial processing power. The IR7000 design includes server sleds that are wider and taller than traditional setups to accommodate current, more significant CPU and GPU architectures. These expanded dimensions enable the rack to support more powerful and sophisticated hardware, ensuring it remains relevant as technology evolves. Additionally, the rack is natively designed for liquid cooling, making it capable of cooling future deployments that generate up to 480KW of heat. The system is engineered to capture nearly 100% of produced heat, ensuring energy efficiency and sustainability. Another key feature of the IR7000 is its flexibility. It is designed to provide users with greater choice in their technology configurations. It supports Dell’s networking solutions and off-the-shelf networking options, allowing organizations to integrate the system into various IT environments. This ensures customers are not locked into a single vendor solution, allowing for more versatile infrastructure choices. Dell’s Integrated Rack Scalable Systems (IRSS) also simplifies deployment by offering a fully integrated, plug-and-play rack-scale infrastructure. The IRSS is optimized for AI workloads, letting organizations set up and scale their systems quickly and efficiently. This setup reduces the complexity of installation and ensures energy-efficient operation, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to scale their AI operations without unnecessary complications. By combining cooling, density, and flexibility, the IR7000 is positioned as a leading solution for organizations needing to support the most advanced computing environments, particularly in AI and machine learning. AI-Ready Platforms The Dell IR7000 supports two AI-focused platforms: Dell PowerEdge XE9712: Designed for large language model (LLM) training and real-time inferencing at scale, this platform offers high-performance, dense acceleration. It includes NVIDIA GB200 NVL72 technology, connecting up to 36 NVIDIA Grace CPUs and 72 NVIDIA Blackwell GPUs in a rack-scale design. This configuration enables AI inference speeds up to 30 times faster than previous generations, with up to 25 times better energy efficiency than air-cooled systems.
Unstructured Storage and Data Management Innovations
Dell Technologies’ unstructured data storage portfolio updates are designed to improve AI application performance while simplifying global data management. The Dell PowerScale, the first Ethernet storage certified for NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD, brings many improvements. Enhanced discoverability: PowerScale metadata combined with Dell Data Lakehouse allows faster decision-making through improved data insights. An upcoming open-source document loader will improve data ingestion and reduce compute and GPU use costs. Dell Generative AI Solutions with Intel Dell has also introduced Generative AI Solutions as part of the Dell AI Factory, featuring preconfigured, validated platforms for various AI use cases. These solutions include the Dell PowerEdge XE9680, Intel Gaudi 3 AI accelerators, and Dell’s storage, networking, and software stack. They are designed for modern content creation, digital assistants, and code-generation workflows. These new solutions from Dell Technologies will redefine AI infrastructure by addressing the critical needs of high-density computing, cooling efficiency, and scalable AI deployment for enterprises to remain competitive. Product Availability The Dell IR7000 will be available globally in Q1 CY2025.
戴尔科技基础设施解决方案集团总裁 Arthur Lewis 强调了数据中心对人工智能的需求日益增长,并指出当前的基础设施难以满足这些要求。他强调,戴尔的新系统提供了必要的性能,可帮助组织在快速变化的人工智能领域保持竞争力。
Dell Integrated Rack 7000 (IR7000) 专为满足日益增长的加速计算需求而设计。它结合了卓越的密度、可持续的电源管理和先进的冷却技术。作为符合开放计算项目 (OCP) 标准的机架,IR7000 针对大规模部署进行了优化。它可以适应多代硬件和各种环境的未来技术。 IR7000 的设计充分考虑了密度。其 21 英寸机架设计用于支持业界领先的 CPU 和 GPU 配置,从而最大程度地利用空间来处理高性能计算任务。这确保机架能够支持最苛刻的工作负载,包括依赖强大处理能力的 AI 和机器学习应用程序。 IR7000 设计包括比传统设置更宽更高的服务器托架,以适应当前更重要的 CPU 和 GPU 架构。这些扩展的尺寸使机架能够支持更强大、更复杂的硬件,确保其在技术发展过程中保持相关性。此外,该机架专为液体冷却而设计,使其能够冷却未来产生高达 480KW 热量的部署。该系统旨在捕获几乎 100% 的产生热量,确保能源效率和可持续性。 IR7000 的另一个关键特性是其灵活性。它旨在为用户提供更多技术配置选择。它支持戴尔的网络解决方案和现成的网络选项,使组织能够将系统集成到各种 IT 环境中。这确保客户不会被锁定在单一供应商的解决方案中,从而提供更多功能的基础架构选择。 戴尔的集成机架可扩展系统 (IRSS) 还通过提供完全集成的即插即用机架级基础设施来简化部署。IRSS 针对 AI 工作负载进行了优化,让组织能够快速高效地设置和扩展其系统。此设置降低了安装的复杂性并确保了节能运行,使其成为希望扩展 AI 运营而无需不必要复杂性的企业的理想解决方案。 通过结合冷却、密度和灵活性,IR7000 被定位为需要支持最先进计算环境(特别是在人工智能和机器学习领域)的组织的领先解决方案。
人工智能就绪平台 Dell IR7000 支持两个以 AI 为中心的平台: 戴尔 PowerEdge XE9712:该平台专为大规模语言模型 (LLM) 训练和实时推理而设计,可提供高性能、密集加速。它包括 NVIDIA GB200 NVL72 技术,在机架级设计中连接多达 36 个 NVIDIA Grace CPU 和 72 个 NVIDIA Blackwell GPU。这种配置使 AI 推理速度比前几代产品快 30 倍,能源效率比风冷系统高 25 倍。
非结构化存储和数据管理创新 戴尔科技的非结构化数据存储产品组合更新旨在提高 AI 应用程序性能,同时简化全球数据管理。 戴尔 PowerScale作为首款获得 NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD 认证的以太网存储,带来了诸多改进。 增强可发现性:PowerScale 元数据与 Dell Data Lakehouse 相结合,可通过改进的数据洞察力加快决策速度。即将推出的开源文档加载器将改善数据提取并降低计算和 GPU 使用成本。
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