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丹佛斯动力系统推出的新型 Blind Mate Quick Connector 简化了数据中心液体冷却应用中机箱到歧管的连接
Wednesday, July 10, 2024


丹麦诺德堡 – 丹佛斯动力系统推出了用于数据中心液体冷却应用的 Blind Mate Quick Connector。丹佛斯汉森? BMQC 符合 Open Compute Project Open Rack V3 规范,可简化内部机架服务器的安装和维护,同时提高可靠性和效率。

BMQC 支持将服务器机箱盲连接到机架后部的分管,从而在难以接近或不可见的位置提供更快、更简单的安装和维护。凭借其获得专利的自对准设计,BMQC 可补偿高达 5 毫米和 2.7 度的角度和径向错位,确保简单安全的连接。

丹佛斯汉森 BMQC 提供高度可靠的设计。联轴器由耐腐蚀的 303 不锈钢制成,密封材料为 EPDM 橡胶,提供广泛的流体兼容性和较长的使用寿命,同时维护要求最低。此外,丹佛斯对每个 BMQC 进行氦气泄漏测试,以确保 100% 无泄漏运行。

“作为开放计算项目社区的一员,丹佛斯正在帮助制定数据中心液体冷却的行业标准。我们严格的产品设计和测试能力正在提高组件性能、质量和可靠性的标准,“丹佛斯动力系统产品经理 Amanda Bryant 说。“数据中心液体冷却等高度关键的应用需要 100% 的正常运行时间和无泄漏运行。我们完整的液体冷却产品组合旨在满足这一需求,使丹佛斯成为数据中心所有者强大的系统解决方案合作伙伴。


丹佛斯汉森 BMQC 的工作压力为 2.4 bar (35 psi),额定流量为 6 升/分钟(1.6 加仑/分钟),最大流量为 10 升/分钟(2.6 加仑/分钟)。它在 6 升/分钟(1.6 加仑/分钟)时的压降为 0.15 bar (2.3 psi)。它提供 5 毫米尺寸,可与其他 OCP Open Rack V3 盲插快速接头互换。


访问丹佛斯数据中心液体冷却网页或观看 BMQC 视频以了解更多信息。




New Blind Mate Quick Connector from Danfoss Power Solutions simplifies chassis-to-manifold connections in data center liquid cooling applications
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

NORDBORG, Denmark – Danfoss Power Solutions has launched its Blind Mate Quick Connector for data center liquid cooling applications. Compliant with Open Compute Project Open Rack V3 specifications, the Danfoss Hansen? BMQC simplifies installation and maintenance of inner rack servers while increasing reliability and efficiency.

The BMQC enables blind connection of the server chassis to the manifold at the rear of the rack, providing faster and easier installation and maintenance in inaccessible or non-visible locations. With its patented self-alignment design, the BMQC compensates for angular and radial misalignment of up to 5 millimeters and 2.7 degrees, ensuring simple and secure connections.

The Danfoss Hansen BMQC offers a highly reliable design. The coupling is manufactured from corrosion-resistant 303 stainless steel and the seal material is EPDM rubber, providing broad fluid compatibility and a long lifetime with minimal maintenance requirements. In addition, Danfoss performs helium leak testing on every BMQC to ensure 100% leak-free operation.

“As a member of the Open Compute Project community, Danfoss is helping set the industry standard for data center liquid cooling. Our rigorous product design and testing capabilities are raising the bar for component performance, quality, and reliability,” said Amanda Bryant, product manager, Danfoss Power Solutions. “Highly critical applications like data center liquid cooling require 100% uptime and leak-free operation. Our complete liquid cooling portfolio is designed to meet this demand, making Danfoss a strong system solution partner for data center owners.”

With its high flow rate and low pressure drop, the BMQC improves system efficiency. This reduces the power consumption of the data center rack, thereby reducing operational costs. Furthermore, the BMQC can be connected and disconnected under pressure without the risk of air entering the system. This eliminates the need to depressurize the entire system, minimizing downtime.

The Danfoss Hansen BMQC features a working pressure of 2.4 bar (35 psi), a rated flow of 6 liters per minute (1.6 gallons per minute), and maximum flow rate of 10 lpm (2.6 gpm). It has a pressure drop of 0.15 bar (2.3 psi) at 6 lpm (1.6 gpm). It is available in a 5-millimeter size and is interchangeable with other OCP Open Rack V3 blind mate quick couplings.

Visit the Danfoss data center liquid cooling webpage or watch the BMQC video to learn more.


北京汉深流体技术有限公司 Hansen Fluid
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