Danfoss Germany GmbH - Waltech被认为是面向全球的、专业的合作伙伴,是许多不同液压领域的所有制造商的合作伙伴。我们产品的技术参数在接头的完全密封性、冲击压力、抗振性和装配简单等方面完全满足现代液压技术的要求。WALFORMplus 机器是一项尖端技术,可以从我们这里租用进行安装。 1919年当Jean Walterscheid先生在德国洛马尔成立万德赛公司 (Walterscheid)时还未曾遇见一段延续百年的传奇。1955年万德赛位于洛马尔的第一家机械车间成立。2004年万德塞伊顿收购,正式成为伊顿流体连接件业务旗下品牌。2021年,随着丹佛斯集团正式收购伊顿液压业务,万德赛也迎来了新生。2022年,万德赛正式变更为丹佛斯Waltech。经历60多年的变革和传承,如今的丹佛斯Waltech延续百年卓越,书写新的传奇,丹佛斯Waltech管材连接系统三件套Walpro金属密封卡套、WalringPlus软密封卡套和Walform 成型系统。
Waltech tube connectors
New name highlights the series’ leading technology and marks a new era of engineering innovation under Danfoss ownership. Danfoss’ Waltech tube-fitting series features a leak-free design, high bending and impulse resistance, and a variety of manual and machine assembly options. OEMs and end users rely on the system’s quick, simple assembly and dependable performance, as well as an array of services that help deliver successful project outcomes. The Waltech system is used in hydraulic and fluid conveyance applications across agriculture, construction, manufacturing, transportation and other industries. Following several decades of technical advances and product line additions, the rebrand from Walterscheid to Waltech marks a new era of engineering innovation under Danfoss ownership. The appearance of the Waltech series will also be brought in line with the familiar red-and-white Danfoss branding. “The Waltech series is known for outstanding performance, robust design and leak-free operation,” said Christian Kuenstel, product management leader, Connectors, Fluid Conveyance, Danfoss Power Solutions. “It offers a complete solution for any application requirement, while enabling simple, safe and repeatable assembly by hand or by machine. “Our brand refresh marks a new beginning. We’ll be applying the global expertise of Danfoss to build on Waltech’s fantastic heritage, engineering new advances that ensure it remains the clear choice for high-performance tube-fitting systems.” Danfoss’ Waltech line represents a complete system solution for all tube-fitting needs. Available for tube diameters of 6 millimeters to 42 mm, the fittings provide exceptional durability and stability as well as a 4-to-1 safety factor. NEW! WalringPlus. Easy and safe assembly, leak-free connection, optimized for thin wall tube.
High-performance assembly machines M-R7: Designed for final assembly of our Walpro and Walring cutting ring systems To learn more about Danfoss’ Waltech tube-fitting series, visit the Waltech webpage.