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2023 年 9 月 28 日,星期四



云计算在社会数字化和绿色转型中发挥着至关重要的作用——使人们能够从数字工具和企业中受益,从而更高效地工作和成长。据国际能源署称,仅在过去十年中,互联网用户数量就增加了一倍——全球互联网流量增加了 25倍。




该中心将针对范围 1、2 和 3 中的项目,即公司或组织产生的不同类型的温室气体排放。更具体地说,为了减少排放(范围 1),该中心将研究柴油发电替代品和替代燃料以及热能再利用项目。至于间接排放(范围 2),该中心将致力于更好地利用风能和太阳能等无碳能源发电。至于隐含排放(范围 3),该中心将与供应商和学术界合作,研究如何对混凝土、钢铁和铝等原材料进行脱碳,以便未来以更可持续的方式建造数据中心。

丹麦数据中心行业将担任该计划的秘书处,该协会首席执行官 Henrik Hansen 概述了该中心跨部门性质的重要性。

“这一举措反映了数据中心行业为解决未来挑战所愿意承担的承诺和责任水平。实现零碳数据中心的路线图需要的解决方案超出了行业独立解决的能力。与行业内外利益相关者的开源方法将大大加速行业向净零排放迈进,符合欧盟到 2030 年实现数据中心目标的目标”,Henrik Hansen 表示。

新的净零创新中心于今天下午 2:30 至 6:00(欧洲中部夏令时间)在腓特烈西亚启动。

Partner quotes

Jürgen Fischer,丹佛斯气候解决方案总裁

“我们希望彻底改变数据中心的建设方式!丹佛斯已经在与我们的客户合作建设脱碳数据中心,但我们需要加快步伐,并跨国界和跨行业合作。这就是为什么丹佛斯自豪地推出数据中心净零创新中心,这是一个中立的会议场所,主要参与者可以在这里进行合作,以建设更好、更可持续的数据中心。 ”

JP Clausen,工程和数据中心创新副总裁

“数据中心行业推动的数字化快速发展为人们和企业带来了诸多好处 - 从快速获取信息到增强连接性。然而,这一发展也要求整个数据行业尽可能地设定可持续发展的标准 - 并建立通往社会其他部分的桥梁。丹麦是通往欧洲和世界其他地区的绿色走廊。这就是为什么我很高兴和自豪我们成功地将创新中心带到腓特烈西亚。”

数据中心研究高级总监 Sean James


Mic Seremet,施耐德电气科灵公司产品负责人

“随着我们从少数集中式化石燃料发电厂转向拥有大量可再生能源的分散式能源格局,我们的电网面临压力。这意味着我们必须重新思考我们的能源格局。我们非常期待作为 Hub 的一部分为这一转变做出贡献,提供具体的解决方案,例如将数据中心转变为主动脱碳参与者的技术平台,提供部署创新能源技术的灵活性,同时加速数据中心建设以帮助促进这一转变。NZIH 与我们成为一家影响力公司的承诺完全一致,与我们一起推动可持续发展议程。”


数据中心净零创新中心:丹麦数据中心行业首席执行官 Henrik Hansen // hh@datacenterindustrien.dk// +45 40 13 44 74
Google: Jesper Vangkilde,传播主管 //vangkilde@google.com// +4522575955
微软: Morten Sk?tt,传播主管 //moskott@microsoft.com// +4529229760
丹佛斯: Mikkel Ballegaard Pedersen,公共关系经理 //mikkel.ballegaard@danfoss.com // +45 26 19 95 10
施耐德电气: Maria Kappel Carpenter,通讯主管 //mariakappel.carpenter@se.com// +45 27 78 90 42


Danfoss, Google, Microsoft and Schneider Electric join forces in new Innovation Hub to accelerate green transition of data centers
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Danfoss, Google, Microsoft and Schneider Electric are the founders of a new innovation hub in Fredericia, Denmark, that will bring together the data center sector across Europe to find concrete solutions to accelerate the green transition. The Hub is open to other partners across Europe.

Today, Danfoss, Google, Microsoft and Schneider Electric - together with the Danish Data Center Industry - are launching a new pan-European initiative called Net Zero Innovation Hub For Data Centers, located in Fredericia, Denmark. The goal is to speed up common solutions for the green transition of data centers.

Cloud computing plays a vital role in the digital and green transformation of society - enabling people to benefit from digital tools and businesses to work more efficiently and grow. In the past decade alone, the number of internet users has doubled - and global internet traffic has increased 25-fold, according to the International Energy Agency.

As the digital adaptation continues to grow, and to reach the net zero targets, the data center industry is working to reduce the energy footprint in a number of areas, such as energy efficiency, cooling, the supply chain, and improvements of the grid.

With today’s Net Zero Innovation Hub launch, the Danish Data Center Industry, Danfoss, Google, Microsoft and Schneider Electric are bringing together key stakeholders in the European data center sector - including regulators, researchers, operators, utility providers, NGOs, and grid/network services.

The consortium will function as a meeting place where key players can enter into collaborations and develop new innovative solutions that can be quickly implemented for the benefit of the green transition. At the same time, it will serve as an opportunity to share best practices and guidance from leading researchers. Initially, the focus is on developing solutions that lower or equalize the data centers' carbon emissions and contribute to the stabilization of the electricity grid.

The Hub will be targeting projects in Scope 1, 2, and 3, which are the different kinds of greenhouse gas emissions that a company or organization produces. More specifically, for cutting emissions (Scope 1) the Hub will look at projects for diesel generation alternatives and substitute fuels, and heat reuse. As for indirect emissions (Scope 2), the Hub will aim to better utilize carbon-free energy sources such as wind and solar for power generation. And for embodied emissions (Scope 3), the Hub will partner with suppliers and academia to research how to decarbonize raw materials like concrete, steel, and aluminum, allowing for data centers to be built more sustainably in the future.

The Danish Data Center Industry will act as a secretariat for the initiative, and the CEO of the association, Henrik Hansen, outlines the importance of the cross-sectoral nature of the Hub.

“This initiative reflects the level of commitment and responsibility the data center industry is willing to take to solve the challenges ahead. The roadmap to zero-carbon data centers requires solutions beyond the industry’s capabilities to solve independently. The open-sourced approach with stakeholders, both within and outside of the industry, will significantly accelerate the industry towards net zero, aligning with EU’s ambitions for data centers by 2030”, says Henrik Hansen.

The launch of the new Net Zero Innovation Hub takes place today at 2.30- 6.00 PM CEST in Fredericia.

Partner quotes

Jürgen Fischer, President Danfoss Climate Solutions

“We want to revolutionize how we build data centers! Danfoss is already working with our customers to build decarbonized data centers, but we need to speed things up and do it in partnerships across borders and industries. That’s why Danfoss is proud to launch the Net Zero Innovation Hub For Data Centers, a neutral meeting place where key players can enter into collaboration to build better and more sustainable data centers.”

JP Clausen, VP of Engineering and Data Center Innovation

"The rapid pace of digitization, enabled by the data center industry, has many benefits to people and businesses - from rapid access to information, to increased connectivity. That development, however, also requires that the data industry as a whole sets the bar for sustainability as high as possible - and builds a bridge to the rest of society. Denmark is a green corridor to Europe and the rest of the world. That is why I am both happy and proud that we have succeeded in bringing the Innovation Hub to Fredericia."

Sean James, Sr Director of Datacenter Research

"Microsoft is excited to join this initiative with Danfoss, Google, and Schneider Electric. Our commitment is clear: as we meet customer demand and expand data center capacity, it must be done without increasing our climate footprint. We believe partnerships like this are essential to drive energy efficiency innovation and secure renewable energy sources. Leveraging our joint expertise in cloud computing, sustainable energy and cooling solutions, we aim to transform data center design and operations for a greener future.”

Schneider Electric
Mic Seremet, Product Owner, Schneider Electric Kolding

“Our grid is under pressure as we're shifting from a few centralized fossil fueled power plants to a decentralized energy landscape with a large number of renewable sources. This means we must rethink our energy landscape. We are looking very much forward to contributing to this transformation as part of the Hub, with concrete solutions, such as a technology platform that turns data centers into active decarbonization players, provides flexibility to deploy innovative energy resource technologies while accelerating data center construction to help facilitate this transformation. The NZIH aligns perfectly with our commitment to being an Impact Company, joining our forces to drive the sustainability agenda."



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