丹麦诺德堡——丹佛斯动力系统是全球领先的移动和工业液压系统以及电动动力系统供应商,现已推出两款专门用于液体冷却应用的新型软管解决方案。丹佛斯 Boston Emperor EHW094 TPU 软管和 Royal EHW194 EPDM 软管为电动汽车、数据中心和其他液体冷却需求提供了卓越的性能和高灵活性。 随着电气设备和机械变得越来越强大和复杂,液体冷却已成为一种比空气冷却系统更节能、更经济的替代方案。Emperor EHW094 和 Royal EHW194 软管均针对液体冷却应用进行了优化,可提供可靠且无泄漏的流体输送。液体冷却可以显著提高效率,为机器设计开辟新的可能性。 Emperor EHW094 软管符合最高级别的阻燃等级 (UL 94 V-0),并且在 25,000+ 伏特介电强度下不导电。它由热塑性聚氨酯制成,是同类液体冷却中的第一个解决方案。Royal EHW194 也符合 UL 94 V-0 等级。它采用合成 EPDM 橡胶结构和阻燃外层。两种软管都具有高柔韧性、抗扭转应变和抗扭结性,可简化狭小空间内的布线。 丹佛斯动力系统燃料、空调、热塑性和特种软管全球产品管理负责人 Dimitar Atanasov 表示:“高效、有效地散热是当今电气设备设计面临的一大挑战。冷却组件的选择标准因应用而异,这就是我们设计并在我们的冷却解决方案组合中添加这两个新选项的原因。我们的非导电 Emperor EHW094 TPU 软管性能卓越、可靠性高,而我们的 Royal EHW194 EPDM 软管是一种经济高效的解决方案,可满足多种应用需求。” Emperor EHW094 软管和 Royal EHW194 软管均有六种尺寸和多种颜色可供选择。
As electric equipment and machinery becomes more powerful and complex, liquid cooling has emerged as a more energy-efficient and cost-effective alternative to air cooling systems. Both Emperor EHW094 and Royal EHW194 hoses are optimized for liquid cooling applications to provide reliable and leak-free fluid conveyance. Liquid cooling can significantly improve efficiency, opening up new possibilities for machine design. Emperor EHW094 hose meets the highest-level flame rating available (UL 94 V-0) and is non-conductive at 25,000+ volts dielectric strength. Constructed from thermoplastic polyurethane, it is the first solution of its kind for liquid cooling. Royal EHW194 is also UL 94 V-0 rated. It features a synthetic EPDM rubber construction with fire retardant cover. Both hoses offer high flexibility with torsional strain and kink resistance to simplify routing in tight spaces. “The need to remove heat efficiently and effectively is a considerable challenge in designing today’s electric equipment,” said Dimitar Atanasov; global product management leader for Fuel, Air Conditioning, Thermoplastic, and Specialty hoses; Danfoss Power Solutions. “Selection criteria for cooling components differs by application, which is why we’ve designed and added these two new options to our portfolio of cooling solutions. Our non-conductive Emperor EHW094 TPU hose delivers in both performance and reliability, while our Royal EHW194 EPDM hose represents a cost-effective solution to meet a number of application needs.” Emperor EHW094 hose and Royal EHW194 hose are both available in six sizes and a range of colors.
关于我们 北京汉深流体技术有限公司是丹佛斯中国数据中心签约代理商。产品包括FD83全流量自锁球阀接头,UQD系列液冷快速接头、EHW194 EPDM液冷软管、电磁阀、压力和温度传感器及Manifold的生产和集成服务。在国家数字经济、东数西算、双碳、新基建战略的交汇点,公司聚焦组建高素质、经验丰富的液冷工程师团队,为客户提供卓越的工程设计和强大的客户服务。 公司产品涵盖:丹佛斯液冷流体连接器、EPDM软管、电磁阀、压力和温度传感器及Manifold。 - 针对机架式服务器中Manifold/节点、CDU/主回路等应用场景,提供不同口径及锁紧方式的手动和全自动快速连接器。