云计算以及云服务提供商显著改变了全球 IT 基础设施的格局。这些公共云服务提供商利用了分布式云计算的固有优势。这不仅为创建创新的软件应用和平台铺平了道路,而且还增强了信息安全和隐私控制能力。 因此,了解每个领先云服务提供商及其独特的战略至关重要。2024 年全球排名前 10 位的云服务提供商包括亚马逊云服务(AWS)、微软Azure、谷歌云服务(GCP)、阿里云、甲骨文云、IBM云服务、腾讯云、OVHcloud、DigitalOcean 和 Linode(由 Akamai 拥有)。 全球知名基础设施信息提供商Dgtl Infra 对主要公有云服务提供商进行了分析,包括其市场份额,以及哪个云服务提供商最便宜。 全球 10 大云服务提供商
2024 年全球前10大云服务提供商排名,包括每个供应商已开设的区域和可用区数量。
1、亚马逊云服务(AWS) AWS 目前有 33 个区域和 105 个可用区在运行。这些区域和可用区位于美国、AWS GovCloud(美国)、美洲、欧洲、亚太地区以及中东和非洲。 亚马逊云服务(AWS)的净销售额 2015 年约 为80 亿美元, 2017 年增长到170 亿美元, 2019 年达到 350 亿美元,现在每年 968 亿美元的收入。AWS 的可用区从 2015 年的 32 个扩展到 2017 年的 52 个可用区,目前已达到 105 个可用区。与此同时,该公司还推出了数千项新的 AWS 服务,这也推动了其扩张。 2. 微软 Azure 云服务
微软 Azure 云服务目前有 64 个区域和 126 个可用区正在运行。这些区域和可用区分布在美国、Azure 政府、美洲、欧洲、亚太地区以及中东和非洲。 微软Azure 在全球有 300 多个物理数据中心。该公司将此数据中心基础设施与 140 个国家/地区的超过 175,000 英里的光纤线路连接起来。 微软的智能云收入(包括来自 Azure、其他云服务和服务器产品的收入)在最近一个季度达到 259 亿美元,同比增长 19%。因此,按年化计算,微软智能云年营收目前为 1035 亿美元。但是,Microsoft 并未明确披露 Azure 收入,这意味着 Azure 只是 Intelligent Cloud 总收入的一个子集。 3. 谷歌云服务(GCP) 谷歌云目前有 40 个区域和 121 个可用区在运行。这些区域和可用区位于美国、美洲、欧洲、亚太地区以及中东和非洲。 Alphabet Inc 的 谷歌云部门从其基础设施、平台和其他服务收取的费用中获得收入。在最近一个季度,谷歌云的收入为 92 亿美元,同比增长 26%。因此,按年化计算,谷歌云 的年收入 370 亿美元。 4. 阿里云 阿里云提供的云服务,包括弹性计算、数据库、存储、网络虚拟化、大规模计算、安全、管理和应用服务、大数据分析以及机器学习。 阿里云目前有 30 个区域和 89 个可用区在运营。在中国大陆,阿里巴巴是占主导地位的云服务提供商,在全国拥有 15 个地区。在中国大陆之外,阿里云在美国、欧洲、亚太地区和中东开展业务。 图片 阿里巴巴集团主要根据企业客户的服务持续时间和使用情况从企业客户那里获得云计算收入。该公司的云智能集团(包括阿里云)在最近一个季度的收入为 39.5 亿美元(280.66 亿元人民币),同比增长 3%。因此,按年化计算,阿里云收入目前为 158 亿美元。
5. 甲骨文云 通过 OCI,甲骨文提供基础设施技术即服务,包括计算、存储和网络服务。 甲骨文云目前有 48 个区域和 58 个可用区在运行。这些区域和可用区位于美国、加拿大、欧洲、中东和非洲(EMEA)、拉丁美洲和亚太地区。 此外,甲骨文云还为美国政府、美国国防部 (DoD) 和英国政府提供政府云区域,并为欧盟 (EU) 的客户提供两个主权区域。 图片 甲骨文OCI 通常收取预付费用,随着客户在定义时间段内使用其 OCI 服务,该费用会逐渐降低。在最近一个季度,甲骨文云 的IaaS 收入达到 18 亿美元,同比增长 49%。因此,按年化计算,Oracle 云计算的收入为 72 亿美元。 6. IBM 云 图片 Kyndryl 的云服务部门通过集成来自独立软件供应商、公共云服务提供商、内部平台和物联网 (IoT) 等技术提供的服务,帮助企业优化对云服务提供商的使用。为此,Kyndryl 最近与 微软Azure云 和谷歌云建立了新的战略关系。 7. 腾讯云 目前,腾讯云有 21 个区域,其中 65 个可用区正在运行。包括其 5 个合作伙伴区域在内,该公司总共提供 26 个区域和 70 个可用区。 不包括合作伙伴的覆盖区域,腾讯云在中国大陆、美国、加拿大、巴西、德国、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、新加坡、韩国和泰国都有业务。 8. OVH云 目前,OVHcloud 在 17 个地点运营,包括 37 个数据中心和 450,000 台物理服务器。这些数据中心位于 9 个国家/地区,即法国、加拿大、美国、德国、波兰、英国、澳大利亚、印度和新加坡。 图片 OVHcloud 为 140 多个国家/地区的 160 多万客户提供域名、网络托管计划和云解决方案。其中,该公司的客户中约有 800 家是企业。在价值主张方面,OVHcloud 采用低成本模式,通常在价格上竞争。 9. 数字海洋 现在DigitalOcean 的 9 个数据中心在 15 个区域运营。具体来说,该公司在以下城市设有数据中心服务:纽约、旧金山都会区、加拿大多伦多、英国伦敦、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、德国法兰克福、印度班加罗尔、新加坡和澳大利亚悉尼。 图片 DigitalOcean 为超过 185 个国家/地区的 600,000 多家客户提供基础设施和软件解决方案。 DigitalOcean 约 70% 的收入来自美国以外地区。与 OVHcloud 类似,DigitalOcean 具有价格优势,通常比最大云服务提供商具50%+的成本效益 。 10. Linode (Akamai) Linode 传统上迎合个人开发人员的需求,但 Akamai 的目标是为企业客户调整其服务。为此,Akamai 计划开发新的企业级核心和分布式站点,并将其与其边缘平台和私有主干网集成。 Linode 目前有 20 个数据中心区域在运行,通过这些区域以容器和虚拟机的形式提供计算,以及其存储服务。公司现有的数据中心位于以下市场: 此外,Linode 计划在以下市场开设 7 个新的云区域:加利福尼亚州洛杉矶、佛罗里达州迈阿密、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、西班牙马德里、印度尼西亚雅加达、新西兰奥克兰和韩国首尔。 哪个云服务提供商的市场份额最大? 亚马逊云服务(AWS)、微软Azure云 和 谷歌云 (GCP) 是市场份额最大的云服务提供商,共占云基础设施服务支出的 65% 以上。 下面是市场份额排名前 10 位的云服务提供商的列表。其中 AWS 31% 市场份额、微软 Azure云 24% 市场份额和 谷歌云的 11.5% 市场份额较为突出。 图片 在过去 5 年里,AWS 的市场份额一直保持在 30% 左右,微软Azure云的市场份额一直在积极增长,从历史上的 10% 左右持续增长到24%;谷歌云的市场份额一直在稳步增加,从之前的 5% 增长到11.5%。一些云服务商市场份额增加了,就会有云服务商的市场份额丢失,其中包括 IBM云和一些小型云服务提供商。 小型云服务提供商都有谁? 虽然前 10 名云服务提供商占据了云基础设施服务约 78%的支出,但全球市场上仍有大量小型供应商。这包括针对特定细分市场的云服务提供商,例如中小型企业 (SMB) 或在区域范围内运营的提供商,例如在欧洲或亚太地区。 以下是这些小型云服务提供商的示例: 中国:百度 AI 云、华为云、金山云、京东云、青云、UCloud 在云服务提供商市场, Rackspace 这类托管服务提供商有一个重要区别。托管服务提供商帮助企业将工作负载迁移、架构和部署到公有云。随后,这些托管服务提供商为其客户跨多环境(包括公共云、私有云和本地)“管理”IT 基础设施。通过这种商业模式,云服务提供商将是 IT 基础设施的最终所有者和提供商。 哪个云提供商最便宜?各自的云计算服务成本是多少? Dgtl Infra 审查了 Linode 最近的一项比较研究,涉及CPU 专用/优化的 2vCPU、4GB RAM、80GB SSD 部署的每月成本。 以下是四家最大的公有云服务提供商,即 亚马逊云服务(AWS)、微软Azure云、谷歌云(GCP) 和阿里云的月度部署成本: 图片 如上表所示,对于 CPU 专用/优化的 2vCPU、4GB RAM、80GB SSD 部署,阿里云是成本最低的公有云服务提供商,每月 48.42 美元。 相比之下,亚马逊云服务(AWS) 是成本最高的公有云服务提供商,每月成本为 71.47美元,比阿里云高出 48%。 这一分析主要关注了大型供应商中成本最低的公有云服务提供商,但实际上,较小的云服务提供商(如 OVHcloud、DigitalOcean 和 Linode)最具成本效益。 与 亚马逊云服务、微软Azure云服务、谷歌云服务和阿里云相比,这些小型云服务提供商的总价格通常至少便宜 20% 到 35%,通常会 50%以上。 Top 10 Cloud Service Providers Globally in 2024
As a whole, the top 10 cloud service providers globally in 2024 are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Alibaba Cloud, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Tencent Cloud, OVHcloud, DigitalOcean, and Linode (owned by Akamai). Dgtl Infra’s analysis focuses largely on the public cloud service providers, as opposed to private cloud technology, such as VMware. In addition to reviewing the top 10 cloud service providers globally, we evaluate their market share, identify smaller providers like Vultr, define the term cloud service providers, determine the 5 main benefits of cloud computing, as well as recognize which cloud service provider is the cheapest. Top 10 Cloud Service Providers Globally in 2022 # Cloud Service Provider Regions Availability Zones Each of these top 10 cloud service providers is outlined in greater detail below: 1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS currently has 33 regions and 105 availability zones in operation. These regions and availability zones are located throughout the United States, AWS GovCloud (US), Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as in the Middle East and Africa.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has grown net sales from approximately $8 billion in 2015, to more than $17 billion for 2017, reaching $35 billion by 2019, and now generating $96.8 billion on an annual basis. This staggering growth has been driven by the expansion of AWS from 32 availability zones in 2015, to 52 availability zones in 2017, and now reaching 105 availability zones at present. In parallel, the company has launched thousands of new AWS services which has also fueled its expansion. READ MORE: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Data Center Locations 2. Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure presently has 64 regions and 126 availability zones in operation. These regions and availability zones are distributed throughout the United States, Azure Government, Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as in the Middle East and Africa. Map of Microsoft Azure Cloud Regions and Data Centers in those Locations for 2024 Microsoft’s Intelligent Cloud revenue, which includes revenue from Azure, other cloud services, and server products, reached $25.9 billion for the latest quarter, an increase of 19% year-over-year. Therefore, on an annualized basis, Microsoft’s Intelligent Cloud revenue currently stands at $103.5 billion. However, Microsoft does not explicitly disclose Azure revenues, meaning that Azure is only a subset of total Intelligent Cloud revenue. READ MORE: Microsoft Azure’s Data Center Locations 3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Google Cloud today has 40 regions and 121 availability zones in operation. These regions and availability zones are situated throughout the United States, Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as in the Middle East and Africa. Map of Google Cloud Platform GCP Regions and Availability Zones Locations as of 2024 Alphabet Inc’s Google Cloud unit earns revenue from the fees it charges for its infrastructure, platform, and other services. For the latest quarter, Google Cloud generated $9.2 billion in revenue, an increase of 26% year-over-year. Therefore, on an annualized basis, Google Cloud produces $37 billion of revenue. READ MORE: Google Cloud’s Data Center Locations 4. Alibaba Cloud Alibaba Cloud currently has 30 regions and 89 availability zones in operation. In Mainland China, Alibaba is the dominant cloud service provider, with 15 regions across the country. Outside of Mainland China, Alibaba Cloud operates in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. Alibaba Cloud's Regions Around the World in a Map 2023 Alibaba Group primarily generates cloud computing revenue from enterprise customers based on the duration and usage of their services. The company’s Cloud Intelligence Group, which includes Alibaba Cloud, yielded $3.95 billion (RMB28,066 million) of revenue for the latest quarter, an increase of 3% year-over-year. Thus, on an annualized basis, Alibaba Cloud revenue currently stands at $15.8 billion. READ MORE: Alibaba Cloud’s Data Center Locations 5. Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud presently has 48 regions and 58 availability zones in operation. These regions and availability zones are located throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, & Africa (EMEA), Latin America, and Asia Pacific. In addition, Oracle Cloud offers government cloud regions for the U.S. government, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and UK government, as well as two Sovereign regions for customers across the European Union (EU). Map of Oracle Cloud Regions and Data Centers Current and Coming Soon 2024 READ MORE: Oracle Cloud’s Data Center Locations 6. IBM Cloud Today, IBM Cloud has 10 regions and 30 availability zones in operation. These regions and availability zones are distributed throughout the United States, Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific. IBM Cloud's Kyndryl Regions Across the Globe on a Map 2023 7. Tencent Cloud Currently, Tencent Cloud has 21 regions with 65 availability zones in operation. Including its 5 partner regions, the company offers a total of 26 regions and 70 availability zones. When excluding its partner regions, Tencent Cloud has operations in Mainland China, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand. Tencent Cloud's Regions, including Partners, Map for 2023 Presently, OVHcloud operates in 17 locations, comprising 37 data centers with 450,000 physical servers. These data centers are situated across 9 countries, namely France, Canada, United States, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, Australia, India, and Singapore. OVHcloud's Public Cloud Regions and Data Centers Map as of 2023 OVHcloud offers domain names, web hosting plans, and cloud solutions to more than 1.6 million customers in over 140 countries. Of this total, approximately 800 of the company’s customers are enterprises. In terms of value proposition, OVHcloud operates a low-cost model and generally competes on price. 9. DigitalOcean Today, DigitalOcean operates 9 regions across its 15 data centers. Specifically, the company has data centers in the New York City and San Francisco metro markets, as well as in Toronto, Canada; London, United Kingdom; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Frankfurt, Germany; Bangalore, India; Singapore; and Sydney, Australia. DigitalOcean's Regions and Data Centers Displayed on a Map as of 2023 DigitalOcean delivers its infrastructure and software solutions to over 600,000 customers in more than 185 countries. Uniquely, approximately 70% of DigitalOcean’s revenue derives from outside of the United States. Similar to OVHcloud, DigitalOcean competes on price, often being 50%+ more cost-effective than the largest cloud service providers. 10. Linode (Akamai) Linode currently has 20 data center regions in operation, through which it provides compute in the form of containers and virtual machines, as well as its storage services. The company’s existing data centers are located in the following markets: United States: Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas, Texas; Fremont, California; Newark, New Jersey; Seattle, Washington; and Washington, D.C. Additionally, Linode plans to open 7 new cloud regions in the following markets: Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Madrid, Spain; Jakarta, Indonesia; Auckland, New Zealand; and Seoul, South Korea. Which Cloud Service Provider Has the Largest Market Share? # Cloud Service Provider Market Share Over the past 5 years, AWS has maintained its market share in the low-30% range, Microsoft Azure has been an aggressive market share gainer, rising from approximately 10% historically, while Google Cloud has been steadily increasing its market share from its prior base of 5%. With market share gainers, there are also corresponding market share losers over this time period, which include IBM Cloud and a number of small cloud service providers. Who are the Small Cloud Service Providers? China: Baidu AI Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud, JD Cloud, QingCloud, UCloud What are Cloud Service Providers?
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): compute, storage, and networking Additionally, certain public cloud service providers offer Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which refers to end user applications. Regions and Availability Zones Explained Regions and Availability Zones – Example Availability zones enable end users to operate production applications and databases that are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than is possible from an individual data center. READ MORE: Cloud Regions and Availability Zones – Explained Virtualization – A Key Advantage of the Cloud READ MORE: Top 250 Data Center Companies in the World What are the 5 Benefits of Cloud Computing?
Scalability: an enterprise’s internal IT systems may not be scalable to meet peak demand for workloads, unless they maintain excess capacity – which is costly. By using cloud computing, customers can instantly increase or decrease their hardware and software capacity needs to meet business requirements Hybrid Cloud: application deployments in a combination of different environments including on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud
# Cloud Service Provider Cost per Month % Higher Although the above analysis highlights the cheapest public cloud service provider among the large vendors, in reality the smaller cloud service providers, such as OVHcloud, DigitalOcean, and Linode are the most cost-effective. These companies are generally at least 20% to 35% cheaper across the board – and often 50%+ cheaper – when compared to AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud.
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